
Water, Biomass, Integration, Building, and Solar (ABIES)

Última modificación
Tue , 02/07/2024 - 08:17


A multidisciplinary team specialized in solar energy, biomass energy and energy efficiency (intensive industry, buildings and the water cycle). Its members are part of two research groups recognized by the DGA:

  • Strategic Energy Management (GEE): T28-23R.

  • Energy and CO2: T46-23R.

Specific objectives

  • Contribute to the development of technologies and methodologies to improve the utilization of sustainable local resources like biomass and solar energy.

  • Optimize the integrated management of systems in industry, construction, and the water cycle using various uncommon methodologies and tools.

  • Provide technical-scientific support to small businesses in training and technological development applied to the residential sector and the water cycle.

Research lines

  • Combustion and co-combustion of biomass. Analysis of impacts associated with the chemical composition of ashes from different types of biomass.

  • Utilization and design of technologies for new types of biomass
    Collaboration in the development and improvement of PVT hybrid panel technology (solar cogeneration) for the domestic and industrial sectors.

  • Integrated design of systems based on heat pumps, solar energy, and biomass boilers.
    Small scale electricity production in biomass boilers (TEGs, Stirling).

  • Efficient integration of energy and water production. Use of novel techniques to analyze the real environmental impact on ecosystems.

  • New developments in exergy analysis and Thermoeconomics for application in industry and the water cycle.

  • Sustainable building design supported by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).

Projects developed

Ecological Transition in Rural Areas (ENSURE). TED2021. 01/12/2022-31/05/2025. STATE RESEARCH AGENCY, EUROPEAN UNION. IPs: Javier Uche and Julio Melero.

Energy Valorization of Woody Residual Biomass in Agro-Food Industries and Bio-Natural Products 18/11/2022-17/05/2024. AECID. MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND COOPERATION. IP: Javier Royo.

Decarbonization of energy-intensive sectors. CO2 capture in gas engines for the circulation of sustainable fuels and viable emissions storage. 01/9/2022 - 31/08/2025. STATE RESEARCH AGENCY, EUROPEAN UNION. IP: Eva Llera.

Decarbonization of the Steel Industry using Renewable E-Hydrogen, CO2 Capture, and Methanation (DIS-HYCOME). 01/9/2022-31/08/2025 STATE RESEARCH AGENCY, EUROPEAN UNION. IPs: Pilar Lisbona and Begoña Peña (I3A).

Integration of Thermoelectric Generators (TEG) in PVT Solar Collectors and Biomass Boilers: Experimentation and Optimization in Polygeneration Schemes (TEGBIOSOL). 01/1/2019-31/12/2021 STATE RESEARCH AGENCY. IPs: Sergio Usón and Amaya Martínez.

View previous projects


The team has a small biomass laboratory with a biomass boiler and various pre-treatment equipment, which is located in Building 3 of the Betancourt building. It also accounts for a fully instrumented PVT panel array. In previous projects it have worked with a trigeneration laboratory with biomass, with a facility that integrates renewable energy and desalination and with the bioclimatic building where the current headquarters of the ENERGAIA Institute are located.

Technological Offer / Services

  • Evaluation of biomass and solar energy resources.

  • Design of the utilization chain according to the type of biomass.

  • Feasibility studies of biomass installations, integrated with other generators.

  • Technical expert reports on solar energy (production reports, incidents, disputes).

  • Feasibility studies of polygeneration schemes based on renewable energies, including desalination.

  • Exergy and thermoeconomic analyses for assesing and improving efficiency of industrial processes.

  • Certification and analysis of energy improvement in buildings.

  • Life cycle assessment, in particular applied for buildings and water cycle.


Principal Investigator:

Dr. Sergio Usón Gil (Unizar)

Management Responsible:

Dra. Amaya Martínez Gracia (Unizar)

Team Researchers:

Dr. Angel Bayod Rújula (Unizar)

Dra. Paula Canalís Martínez (Unizar)

Dr. Francisco Javier Royo Herrero (Unizar)

Jose Antonio Tejero Gómez (Unizar)

Dr. Francisco Javier Uche Marcuello (Unizar)

Dr. Ignacio Zabalza Bribián (Unizar)

David A. Zambrana Vasquez (F. Circe)


Andrei Briones Hidrovo (IRTA)

Gabriel Gesteira Keler (Univ. Bahía)

Adeline Rezeau (CUD)