Renewable Energy Integration
The general objective of the group is:
Increase renewable energy penetration in the energy sector with maximum efficiency, reliability and power quality conditions.
To achieve this fundamental objective, i.e., the integration of renewable energies into the energy system, it is necessary to implement new grid architectures and intelligent control, protection, supervision, monitoring and metering systems to achieve efficient energy management while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This requires not only efficient management of energy generation sources but also efficient management of consumption, definition of the needs of the grid itself for the connection of new systems, processing of the large amount of data associated with each of the elements involved, improvement of the operation and maintenance procedures related to generation facilities, among others.
Research lines
Research Line 1: Integration and optimisation of renewable energy sources in electrical grids.
- Activity 1.1: Impact of renewable energy sources on the power system.
- Activity 1.2: Generation and storage systems.
- Activity 1.3: Design, sizing and optimal sitting of generation and storage systems.
- Activity 1.4: Research and development of new protections for the power system.
- Activity 1.5: Electric mobility and its impact on the grid. V2G.
- Activity 1.6: Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques to the predictive maintenance of renewable energy plants (Wind and PV).
Research Line 2: Integration and optimisation of renewable energy sources in electrical grids.
- Activity 2.1: Research in Smart Grids, including fault locators, controllers and mini-generation.
- Activity 2.2: Research in power electronics and controls for their operation in islanded and grid-connected power systems.
- Activity 2.3: Development of power quality measurement and verification systems.
- Activity 2.4: Advanced Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Developed projects
Transición ecológica en zonas rurales (ENSURE). TED2021-131397B-I00 …01/12/2022-31/05/2025. AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN, UNIÓN EUROPEA. IPs: Javier Uche y Julio Melero.
Diseño óptimo de bobinas inductoras para sistemas de carga de vehículos eléctricos multimodal (MAGNIFICENT). PID2022-141796OB-I00: 01/09/23 - 31/08/27. AGENCIA ESTATAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN, UNION EUROPEA. Ip: José Sanz.
REDOL / Aragon's REgional Hub for circularity: Demonstration Of Local industrial-urban symbiosis initiatives. 01/12/22 - 30/11/26. UNION EUROPEA. Ip: Alicia Valero.
INCIT - EV / Large demonstratIoN of user CentrIc urban and long-range charging solutions to boosT an engaging deployment of Electric Vehicles in Europe. 01/01/20 - 30/06/24. UNION EUROPEA. Ip: José Sanz.
SYNERGY – Big Energy Data Value Creation within SYNergetic enERGY-as-a-service Applications through trusted multi-party data sharing over an AI big data analytics marketplace. 01/01/20 - 01/07/23 UNION EUROPEA. Ip: Julio Melero.
MEAN4SG. METROLOGY EXCELLENCE ACADEMIC NETWORK FOR SMART GRIDS. 01/03/16 - 31/12/19. Unión Europea. Ip: Julio Melero.
Laboratory for the design and testing of electric vehicle (EV) chargers. It has an EV emulator prepared for fast charging with CHAdeMO and COMBO protocols, as well as a fast charger with the same protocols prepared to connect to a control centre with OCPP. There is also a Mode 3 emulator and a bench for testing inductive chargers in accordance with the SAE J2954 Standard. Finally, a lithium battery bench is available to carry out network impact tests and develop various solutions.
Climatic chamber for testing electrical components and systems in different temperature and humidity conditions.
Big-Data specific computing cluster composed of 8 servers with 2 Xenon CPUs each.
Computing server with 2 GPUs for the development of deep learning models.

Services and technological offer
Climatic chamber for accelerated ageing tests.
Battery ageing tests.
System design for energy transfer by inductive coupling.Advanced simulations of electrical networks to evaluate the behaviour of new loads or generators in the network.
Consultancy in metrology and quality of power supply.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applications.